Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why We Earn Money???????

WHY????????????? We want money more and more.
Reason is our belly. We just do hard work for our belly.......Human being get up early in the morning .prepare himself for office then he joins his office .In office sometimes he suffer a lot. He listen all unbearable things of his BIG BOSS. Sometimes his colleges are feeling jealousy about his job and his increments. He also listen all time unnecessary talk just for his money. He is servant in front of his boss...........And everything depends on the mood of his Boss. When time is up. He just starts to pack his thing. He collects hurriedly then one crying sound reached to his ear.......All things fell down..................this is the voice of his Boss.........He was shouting because of mental disturbance of mind .Now Boss wanted to stop his home time without any reason......Now he is hour late......Someone is waiting for him...He reaches late at bus stop...He stand on bus stop. No bus or taxi is coming.....he is too much worried about it......One bus is coming very slowly.He quickly goes toward the bus.

He listen noises in the bus of different categories of people……then he reached at his home at late night.
He is standing in front of the gate and waiting  for opening the gate…A beautiful lady open the gate and give smile after looking at him…She gives dinner to him. Then he slept nearly 12am.
So this is the life of middle class man who gets up early with bird……..but sleep late………..he always wants to get more and more……..But he is facing a lot of problem…He can’t sleep properly……only 4 to 5 he sleeps.
Sometime we all are thinking that are we normal human beings? We do hard work then we get a little money for our family……..Is this fate or is this lack of our hard work…………and those people who are not hardworking ,They  are getting money more than us…what is this so? Every person is nowadays want money more and more for completing the wish of his own or his family. All of we  are just like animal who is bearing of overload on his shoulder and this animal is waiting for that day when he will be free from all of overload…..that’s the life will be not on earth , it will be under the earth……where human being will sleeping without any tension……..
Moral lesson: If you want to live on the earth then you need money and this money must be very clean…Otherwise those people who do hard work but get the money from wrong side ,  they can’t sleep properly….